Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally!! Losing the pounds! YAY!

Hey again :) So for those who haven't read my first blog let me just give you a quick refresher; I'm less than 6 weeks out from my next figure show and have been training on a minimum of two hours a day and the scale "struggles" with a 1-3 lb loss. :( Training for a figure show you have to measure "everything" so that you have a very precise measurement of the calories that you are consuming, that being said; I took it upon myself to just "eye" my food. "I've been down this road twice before, I know what I'm doing." Not so much. I had been consuming atleast TWICE, that's right TWICE the amount of calories that I should have been, big mistake! So now on day 4 I have lost 4 lbs. just measuring my food to where the calories should be. WOW!! What a difference counting calories makes :0)

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