Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ahhhh! Girls measure your food!

So I'm less then 6 weeks out for my next figure show and the pounds are hanging out for the long haul!! Grrrrr! :( I'm working out at least 2 times a day if not my 3 a days and notta! Very frustrating, so this morning I decided that I'd go back to measuring my food (bought the scale for my last show) I've been "eyeing" my food since then thinking I knew what I was doing.............WRONG!! So I've been consuming atleast 1000 more calories A DAY!! No wonder the scale doesn't budge. So now that I'm aware of this problem, made adjustments to fix it .....the pounds are just going to melt off. Right! ;-S We'll see.....I 'll get back to ya in a week. Lesson today- "measure that food, no matter if it's good food (protein) or not, bottom line is "calories in verses calories out". Smooches all! :)

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